National Traditional Medicine Day: A New Chapter in the Legacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

National Traditional Medicine Day: A New Chapter in the Legacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

National Traditional Medicine Day Every year on March 17th, China celebrates National Traditional Medicine Day to commemorate the victory against the abolition of traditional medicine and the complete denial of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and herbal medicine. This day aims to promote TCM and herbal medicine in China and worldwide, benefiting humanity. It holds significant … Read more

The Fifty-Seventh Chapter of the Huangdi Neijing: Discussion on Meridians

The Fifty-Seventh Chapter of the Huangdi Neijing: Discussion on Meridians

《黄帝内经》是我们的国宝 经络论篇第五十七 【原文】黄帝问曰:夫络脉之见也,其五色各异,青黄赤白黑不同,其故何也?岐伯对曰:经有常色,而络无常变也。帝曰:经之常色,何如?岐伯曰:心赤、肺白、肝青、脾黄、肾黑,皆亦应其经脉之色也。帝曰:络之阴阳,亦应其经乎?岐伯曰:阴络之色应其经,阳络之色变无常,随四时而行也。寒多,则凝泣,凝泣则青黑;热多则淖泽,淖泽则黄赤。此皆常色,谓之无病。五色具见者,谓之寒热。帝曰:善。【译文】黄帝问说:络脉显现于外,它的五色各不相同,有青、有黄、有赤、有白、有黑之异,这是什么道理呢?岐伯回答说:经脉的颜色恒常不变,而络脉没有常色,容易变化。黄帝问说:经脉的常色是怎样的?岐伯说:心主赤、肺主白、肝主青、脾主黄、肾主黑,都与其所属经脉的颜色相应。黄帝问:阴络与阳络也和其经脉的颜色相应吗?岐伯说:阴络的颜色与其经脉相应,阳络的颜色则变化无常,随着四时的转移而变化。寒气多则气血运行凝涩迟滞;气血运行凝涩迟滞,因而多见青黑之色;热气多则气血运行滑利急速;气血运行滑利急速,因而多见黄赤之色。这些都是正常的色泽变化,称之无病。如果五色全部显现,是寒热错杂之证。黄帝说:讲得好! 【原文】阳明之阳,名曰害蜚,上下同法。视其部中,有浮络者,皆阳明之络也。其色,多青则痛,多黑则痹,黄赤则热,多白则寒,五色皆见,则寒热也。络盛,则入客于经。阳主外,阴主内。【译文】阳明经的阳络,名叫“害蜚”,手足阳明经都是一样。观察其所属皮部的浮络,都是阳明经的络脉。若络脉中多见青色,为痛症;多见黑色,为痹症;多见黄赤色,为热证;多见白色,为寒证;五色同时出现,为属寒热错杂之证。络脉邪气盛,就会向内传入本经。络脉属阳主外,经脉属阴主内。【原文】少阳之阳,名曰枢持。上下同法。视其部中,有浮络者,皆少阳之络也。络盛,则入客于经。故在阳者主内,在阴者主出,以渗于内,诸经皆然。【译文】少阳经的阳络,名叫“枢持”,手足少阳经都是一样。观察其所属皮部中的浮络,嗾使少阳经的络脉。络脉的邪气盛,就会向内传入本经。络脉为阳,邪气有络脉内入经脉,所以说“在阳者主内”,经脉属阴,邪气由经脉出而传入内脏,所以说“在阴者主出,以渗于内”,各经都是如此。 【原文】太阳之阳,名曰关枢,上下同法。视其部中,有浮络者,皆太阳之络也。络盛,则入客于经。【译文】太阳经的阳络,名叫“关枢”,手足太阳经都是一样。观察其所属皮部中的浮络,都是太阳经的络脉。络脉的邪气盛,就会向内传入本经。 (文章来源摘自中华经典名著,由姚春鹏老师译注的《黄帝内经》) 智慧文化 请关注并转发 一起学习国粹 还原原著经典 弘扬传统文化 传承养生理 图片来源网络,如有侵权请联系删除 长按识别二维码,了解更多精彩。 往期回顾 →注意!中心2023年度老年人健康体检工作正式启动!→喜讯!中心论文入选中国知网学术精要高被引论文→中心举行2023年度科研课题申报擂台赛

The Twelve Meridians: Locations, Pathways, Connections, and Distribution Patterns – Essential Knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine!

The Twelve Meridians: Locations, Pathways, Connections, and Distribution Patterns - Essential Knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine!

IntroductionThe pathways and naming conventions of the twelve meridians reflect their primary distribution areas and the organs they connect. Understanding and flexibly applying this knowledge will help you quickly memorize the distribution of the twelve meridians, guiding acupuncture point selection and treatment in clinical practice. 1Location of the Twelve Meridians The twelve meridians are symmetrically … Read more

A Brief Discussion on the Origin of the Names of the Twelve Meridians

A Brief Discussion on the Origin of the Names of the Twelve Meridians

Inheriting the legacy of Qi Huang, a public account with substance and warmth The records regarding the names of the twelve meridians are generally based on the “Ling Shu: Jing Mai” chapter. Besides “mai” or “jing” as its basic terms, the additional components can be divided into three parts: hands (arms) and feet, yin and … Read more

The Pathways, Connections, and Distribution Patterns of the Twelve Meridians

The Pathways, Connections, and Distribution Patterns of the Twelve Meridians

✨The pathways and connection patterns of the twelve meridians in the human body (1) Pathway Patterns: The three Yin meridians of the hands originate from the organs and travel to the hands; the three Yang meridians of the hands travel from the hands to the head; The three Yang meridians of the feet travel from … Read more

Signals of the Five Zang and Six Fu Organs (TCM Popular Science)

Signals of the Five Zang and Six Fu Organs (TCM Popular Science)

The five zang organs include the heart (xin), lungs (fei), spleen (pi), liver (gan), and kidneys (shen); the six fu organs include the gallbladder (dan), stomach (wei), small intestine (xiao chang), large intestine (da chang), bladder (pang guang), and san jiao (triple burner). The human body is an organic whole, and the functional activities of … Read more

Essential Knowledge for Health: Comprehensive Explanation of TCM Five Elements and Organ Theory (Including Extraordinary Organs) – Classic Collection Edition

Essential Knowledge for Health: Comprehensive Explanation of TCM Five Elements and Organ Theory (Including Extraordinary Organs) - Classic Collection Edition

The theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements are methods used by ancient people to view and explain the world; they serve as both a worldview and a methodology, applicable to all things in the world. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that the human body is centered around the Five Organs, which are interconnected through … Read more

Analysis of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements: A Suggested Collection

Analysis of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements: A Suggested Collection

The theory of the Five Elements originates from the Book of Documents, while the concept of Yin-Yang begins with the Book of Changes, both of which were widely practiced by the Yin-Yang school during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. First, let us discuss the Five Elements: In the “Hong Fan” chapter of … Read more

Illustration of Yin-Yang and the Interactions of the Five Elements: Generating, Overcoming, Multiplying, and Insulting

Illustration of Yin-Yang and the Interactions of the Five Elements: Generating, Overcoming, Multiplying, and Insulting

In the Yijing (I Ching), the concepts of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements are discussed. The world is essentially a model, with the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches forming the framework of this model, while Yin-Yang and the Five Elements represent the operational laws of this model. Yin-Yang divides things into two categories: all that … Read more

Yin-Yang and the Five Elements

Yin-Yang and the Five Elements

Yin-Yang and the Five Elements yinyang&wuxing The theory of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements is the core of traditional Chinese culture. Yin-Yang refers to the duality of opposites and the Five Elements represent the fundamental components of the universe. Yin-Yang Yin and Yang interact to create all things; everything in the world follows the principles … Read more